Direct and indirect. Copper-fin and stainless steel. Gas and electric. Explore our wide variety of options to perfectly fit your needs.
Ace Heaters
Stainless Steel & Copper
Both gas-fired and indirect water heating options, including hot water generators. Various designs to accommodate condensing, near-condensing, atmospheric, and modular applications.
Hubbell Water Heaters
Commercial & Industrial Electric, Gas, Steam, and Indirect
Throughout the world, on land and on sea, Hubbell water heaters provide hot water for nearly every application imaginable.
Niles Steel Tank
Hot Water Generators, Electric Power Heaters, and Indirect
Water and steam generators, in a variety of configurations and designs, including customization as needed. Copper, stainless or copper nickel tube exchangers. Porcelain enamel (glass) or epoxy lined tanks for potable water applications. You name it!
Electric Tankless
The last water heater you’ll ever need. Optimal believes that converting more homes to electric tankless will significantly reduce energy and water consumption in the U.S.
Thermo 2000
Instantaneous Indirect
The TurboMax model sidearm water heater is one of Thermo 2000’s most famous products that utilizes boiler water to heat domestic water. The TurboMax comes in a variety of sizes, the largest units offered with optional ASME certification. For those looking for an electric boiler / water heater combi, check out the ComboMax Ultra!